Sunday, October 01, 2006
South Rim and the Watchtower

These photos are of the watchtower built on the south rim of the Grand Canyon. It was designed by a woman architect in the 30s and is not a traditional design from the local native american people but is inspired by their buildings. Inside is this amazing multi storied healing room with sacred paintings. Outside on one of the stone walls is another example of the extensiveness of Christian cultural dominance.
Canyon South Rim

View from the meteorite enclosure, candles and flowers and a few prayers for the family of Steve Irwin and the Grande Canyon yay!!!
Photos from Arizona

Here are some photos from Arizona, we were dancing on a night out at the Fort Apache Reservation in White Mountain, an elk was in the foyer with a few other stationary wild life - no fear. We went to a large meteor crater and Samia took a little trip into outa space while we were there. I stayed firmly on earth with this cardboard cutout astronaut, but not her!